Tag Archives: Sabah

Borneo Rainforest Appeal: A Sum Of Parts

Imagine it’s the end of the world. Almost everything and everybody is gone. Your world has been reduced to a barren wasteland too hostile and too dangerous to cross. You and eight of your family have survived, cocooned in a green oasis, where there is food and water and shelter. So it’s a happy ending […]

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Surreal shrimps and pangolin pie

Save habitat and you save species. It’s pretty simple really, and its the basic message of the World Land Trust and why I have supported them with my PLR’s for years. There are however, little wrinkles and knots in the smooth skin of that argument that sometimes make the job of ‘saving habitat’ more complicated […]

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An Inordinate Fondness For Pangolins

I’ve tied off all the work ends that needed tying, I’ve found my mosquito net and worked out a way to get hold of a pair of functioning binoculars (my beloved Bausch and Lombs had an uninsured collision with a marble floor) so, bar the malaria tablets and the leech proof socks (no, I’m not […]

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